Thursday, 19 March 2009


ok i'm going to cheat and post a craft twice...but you see, i have this thing about only posting round numbers of posts per month and since i went crazy and broke the "10" barrier this gonna have to make it to 20 for march!! Now usually that would be a challenge that i would be well up for....but the 3 crafts in which i am currently involved are really taking longer than i thought and are drastically reducing my multi-crafting potential so i can't produce other stuff....eeek!!

Anyway...i want to post something and i emailed mumito with the following pics for her blog but they never made it so i'll post them myself!!

Background story: Copa, gilpil's little porcine pal has been spotted cruising europe in the company of a band of disreputable foreign students, but mumito pointed out that Cabana was MIA. Well i looked into it and heard rumours that Cabana had actually been released into the wild and was acting as presiding bull elephant over a large and overgrown jungle terrain...

My special source was able to acquire the following pics...

then he got a bit closer......

He also alleges that immediately after these photos were snapped, Cabana became aware of the photographer's existence, and with a loud screechy "trumpet" like a leaking balloon he charged the challenger in his territory at full stampede pace...

…however the "grassy plain" that composes his territory, being neglected all winter, is so full of weeds that he slipped in a patch of clover and fell hard on his little short leg (a result of a miscalculation on the part of the knitter). Immediately after this the photographer, all fear forgotten, ran over and picked up the little elefantino, kissed his wee sore leg better and brought him into house-of-spoon for a drink of milk and an amaretto biscuit.


  1. Gorgeous! Colour is really vibrant! Someone should tell Cabana that if he's living out in the wild, camoflage should be a consideration! But, then again, when you're the biggest, fiercest, strongest bit of muscle around, you don't fear being seen! That must be it!
    PS How can something sooo cute and cuddley be sooo fearsome!! (this one is a real mystery)
    Oh, I know, I know - maybe his natural habitat is among, violets, pansies and blue bells! Yes, that's it, I've figured it out!!

  2. hehehe - loved the ending of the story, he definitely deserved a cuddle after that big adventure!!

    Copa is at the highest perch, surveying my room here!!

    (he says "sniff snuffle -Hi mum!- oink grunt" ... think I got that right!)

