Friday 1 October 2010

sequinned sun seats

I'd been looked for patio-chair cushions all summer long, but they were always too plain and too expensive! A horrible combination! I had wanted to make some from scratch myself, but the plain foam is prohibitively expensive!!

Then I saw a pile of "after-summer-reductions" fabulous purple circular cushions!! However, always seeking sparkle wherever i go, i thought they could use an extra little something...
So I sewed on little pink sequins to give them a more luxury-easterny feel. I can imagine these in a heavily embroidered bedouin tent with silky veils flowing in the breeze....oo i love it, i need one of those!!

1 comment:

lyds said...

Plumpsiously purple! I'd love to sit on those too.
BTW is the breeze in the bedouin tent nice and warm? Then take me too, pleeeease! xox