Monday 28 December 2009

pressie placenames!

So i always like to have new placecards for each dinner party and my favourite ones to make are always christmas ones!! This year i was using the beloved medium ( and decided to make little presents. Here are a couple of examples:I made them reuseable by making a slit with a knife (before baking) for the name card to slot in. Then i just popped each one into the bell of the wide wine glass and i was ready to go!


lyds said...

A new meaning to the word present!!( i.e. not absent) Very apropriate for all around the table! xox
PS The real gift of "dinner" was superb!

Gil said...

haha! mum you are so hilarious!
They really are the cutest wee things, and I like how they are reuseable, although I can't imagine you using the same customisation twice in a row... :P