but sometimes it is crucial stuff like craft techniques...so be warned!

Anyway, i finished him off just recently and i'm glad because he is earning his keep, hard at work keeping my garden pest population under control...at least that's what he tells me......sometimes i begin to doubt him and think that he is actually just slacking off, hanging out in my garden on his favourite stone, telling himself stories while the bugs abound....but when i march outside to read the riot act, i look him right in the eyes and begin to feel sleeeepy.....veeeery sleeeepy......."yesssss yooou're dooooing aaa goooood joooooob mr frooooog, yessss iiii doooo waaaant tooo get yoooou sooome moooore choooocolate biiiscuits"

i LOVE him - he will be mine. i shall e/intice him to my garden with the promise of a rock pool/pond all of his own - or to be more specific - the concrete patch below my kitchen window that's flooded as my drain's blocked - oh sounds dreamy!!!
I think Freddy Frog wants to go a-courting! Is there no Miss Frog lurking in the background? If you want a successful pest control you'd better get a Mrs on the job to keep Mr on patrol!! And you never know you might end up with a whole family of pest controllers! I'm sure Sue would provide you with lots of her flooded drainwater for a nursery for all the ensueing tadpoles.
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