One other thing that i wanted to make for a birthday tea party i was having, was teacup candles. I hadn't made candles in a reeeeally long time so was sure that i had forgotten all the important stuff and would probably make a mess....turns out, wow, they are SUPER-easy!!!
Wax pellets are pretty expensive here, and i only managed to find a little bag of left-over pellets long-forgotten at the back of a cupboard (thanks mamma!) So i actually melted down chunks of wax from candles that were past it, or just plain ugly. You need to double boil wax (ie put in a metal bowl inside a pot with some water) I also has some stearin but couldn't remember how much to use so i just fired a teaspoon in and hoped for the best. Then just stir until it goes clear.
See all the newspapers...i was convinced that i was going to make a mess....but i didn't even drip once...too easy!! I anchored the bottom of the wicks with some metal foil and bluetack and tied the top of each wick to a pen across the top of the cup to keep it straight.
Pour the wax in and leave to might want to keep a bit of wax to fill in the dip that will appear as the wax shrinks...i didn't won't notice when you've lit it!!
Snip the wick and light!
soooo kitch, i just had a little shudder of cuteness!!
Wax pellets are pretty expensive here, and i only managed to find a little bag of left-over pellets long-forgotten at the back of a cupboard (thanks mamma!) So i actually melted down chunks of wax from candles that were past it, or just plain ugly. You need to double boil wax (ie put in a metal bowl inside a pot with some water) I also has some stearin but couldn't remember how much to use so i just fired a teaspoon in and hoped for the best. Then just stir until it goes clear.

wow...rifornimento di candele....
ah...scusa se non ho più pubblicato più post causa danno troppi compitiii!!!non è giusto....poi dicono che la mia classe è la peggiore della scuola...
so pretty woon, really effective and I was just wondering why people don't always design candles to have handles?? They heat up right!?
It suited the occasion perfectly :)
love love
I was going to say "cool" but it's not a word compatible with candles so I'll say "hot stuff" instead. They are super anyway, great ideas!
candles with handles? - ingenius GG and Spoons - i saw these in a craft fair the other day and they (plus saucer) were selling for 4pounds each - woman get your ideas out there and get them selling!! i think you should contact that community centre in ballycarry and see when they're next having a craft fair and get some pieces in there yourself!!
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