I've always wanted a cake stand, there's something so kitchy-gentile about it...and when it's full of little decorated buns...gorgeous, in a really housewifely-satisfying kindof way. Only problem was....i could never find one!! Or at least the ones that i found were either "modern-style" and just not the sort of kitchy-patterned type that would make my heart happy...OR they were £100,000,000...000...000, you see where i'm going here.
I pleaded with SuperD to save the day...he sent me out to a car-boot sale to buy some grannyish china (i got a full tea-set for £5!! SCORE!! Car-boot sales are my new guilty pleasure! lol), while he went to B&Q to pick up the technical stuff (giant steel screw rod and huge nuts and bolts that terrified the life out of me when i saw them...i was thinking: "D this has going to hold up a saucer of iced cupcakes not the Millau bridge!!!"...but, how right he was!!!

I have no idea how he DRILLED a hole that size through such flimsy acient china.. it's truly incredible but I bet it sounded horrific.
Anyway! The result is divine! absolutely perfect for tea parties and crumpets with the queen!
love it!
And wath are these?
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