Wednesday 27 May 2009

scary cherries!

[I'm cutting it fine this month for the 10 craft posts - the problem isn't the finished crafts, i've been as busy as ever, but we just haven't had good photographing weather lately!!!]

We got our niece Eleonora a gothic/manga/heavy metal handbag for her birthday (it is the stage she is going through at the minute!)....but i wanted to add a little hand-made magic!

What better than a pair of cherry skulls as a bag charm??!!

Haha! she wore the bag the entire weekend...success!!


Christy Amular said...

awww, super cute! I love skully things. ;)

lyds said...

skulls are definitely not my cup of tea but these look more like cherries to my failing eyesight so that's alright then!!
Would I have liked the bag? Maybe not!! Taste is all in the mouth, beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder!! Love M.xoxo

LittleMissPoog said...

seriously - where do you come up these ideas? super-sweet-and-scary all at one time! aliterative as well as creative delights!

Gil said...

very cool - tim burton eat your heart out!



Eleonora said...

NOOOOO!!!!le ciliegine della mia tracolla!!!sono semplicemente bellissime!!!SIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!